4 min read

Clojure for pythonista - User Input/Loop/Conditional


I am trying to learn clojure. This series of posts is my attempt to solve beginner exercises both in python and clojure. Exercises are inspired by the excellent Reuven Lerner’s Practice Makes Python and other sources like Learn python the hard way. Before trying any exercises, you can read an excellent introduction to clojure : Brave Clojure.


This exercise introduces the following concepts: user-input, conditional and loop.


Create a command line game where the user has to guess a number between 0 and 99. The final program should repeat the question until the user find the right number, providing a helpful “Higher!” or “Lower!” hint after each failed attempt.

Getting random numbers

Getting random numbers in python

In python, random integers can be obtained from randint, a function from the random package.

# python
import random
# Get a random number between 0 and 99
number = random.randint(0, 100)

Getting random numbers in clojure

In clojure, you get random integer from the rand-int function (which by default start at 0 and end at the first argument)

;; clojure
(def -main []
  (rand-int 100))

Getting user input

Getting user input in python

In python, you can get user input with the input function. input takes a string as an argument that you can use to display a prompt to the user. To make sure that the input is converted to a integer, we wrap the input call in int.

# python
guess = int(input("Enter a guess: "))

Getting user input in clojure

In clojure, you can get user input with the read-line function. The conversion to an integer is also necessary and you can use Integer/parseInt for that. read-line doesn’t have prompt feature, so we will print the prompt to the console with println.

;; clojure
(defn -main []
  (println "Enter a guess:")
  (let [guess (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]))


Conditionals in python

Now that we have a random number and a number entered by the user, we need to compare them and send the response response.

# python
import random
number = random.randint(0, 100)
guess = int(input("Enter a guess: "))

if number > guess:
    print("Too small!")
elif number < guess:
    print("Too big!")

Conditionals in clojure

In clojure, the if function seems to be designed for single comparison. It works as a simple “if/else”: (if <test> <do-if-true> <do-if-false>). There is no such thing as elif. However, clojure has cond function, which allow for as many comparison as we like. The keyword :else is just the last comparison and evaluate to true, if no other comparison have been true before it. We could have chosen any other truthy value (e.g :otherwise or 1).

;; clojure
(defn -main []
  (let [number (rand-int 100)]
    (println "Enter a guess:")
    (let [guess (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]
      (cond (> number guess)
              (println "Too Low!")
            (< number guess)
              (println "Too Big!")
              (println "Yeah!")))))

Loop to repeat the question

Loop to repeat the question in python

Lastly, we need to make the program able to repeat the question when the answer is wrong.

In python, never-ending loop are often implemented with while True, using the break keyword to exit on specific conditions.

# python
import random
number = random.randint(0, 100)

while True:
    guess = int(input("Enter a guess: "))
    if number > guess:
        print("Too small!")
    elif number < guess:
        print("Too big!")

Loop to repeat the question in clojure

In clojure, you can take the opposite approach. Rather than saying “when to exit” (break), we can use the loop function and tell it “when to loop” (recur):

;; clojure
(defn -main []
  (let [number (rand-int 100)]
    (loop []
      (println "Enter a guess:")
      (let [guess (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]
        (cond (> number guess)
                (do (println "Too Low!")
              (< number guess)
                (do (println "Too Big!")
                (println "Yeah!"))))))

Note that we had to wrap the “actions” following each cond’s conditions with the do function, a simple way to group multiple statements into one. Otherwise, the first call to (recur) (after “Too Low!”) would be interpreted as the second condition for cond (instead of (< number guess)).

Alternatively, you could use a recursive function. I haven’t been able to find if for such a short problem one method is better than the other, but this is a good illustration of a program with two functions.

;; clojure
(defn try-and-guess [number]
  (println "Enter your guess:")
  (let [guess (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]
      (< guess number) 
        (do (println "Guess is too small...")
            (try-and-guess number))
      (> guess number)
        (do (println "Guess is too big...")
            (try-and-guess number))
      (println "Yeah!"))))

(defn -main []
  (let [number (rand-int 100)]
    (try-and-guess number)))